Your Eminence, We, the members of the Coalition for Canceled Priests, write to express our profound disappointment and strong opposition to your recent decision to offer a prayer invocation and attend the Democratic National Convention. Your participation in this event, which aligns itself with a political platform that openly supports policies fundamentally opposed to Catholic doctrine, deeply troubles us and the faithful. The Democratic Party has taken a public stance on several issues that directly conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church, including: 1. **Abortion**: The Democratic Party platform unequivocally supports the right to abortion, even up to the moment of birth and beyond. This stance is in direct opposition to the Church's teaching on the sanctity of life, which holds that life begins at conception and must be protected. According to NPR, on August 20, 2024, Planned Parenthood set up a "mobile clinic" at the same time as the DNC. Abortion medication was available to pregnant women, and men received vasectomies. CBS News reported that multiple women shared stories of their abortions on stage at the DNC, showcasing the importance of abortion to the Democratic Party. 2. **Same-Sex Marriage**: The Church teaches that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman. However, the Democratic Party has consistently supported and promoted same-sex marriage, contradicting the Church's teachings on the Sacrament of Marriage. 3. **Gender Ideology**: The Democratic Party advocates for policies that support gender identity and expression in ways that conflict with the Church's teachings on the natural law and the inherent dignity of the human person as created male or female by God. 4. **1st Amendment Right**: The Democratic Party has supported policies that threaten the 1st Amendment rights of Catholic citizens, particularly in the areas of healthcare and education. These policies compel Catholics to act against their conscience and the teachings of the Church. By participating in the Democratic National Convention, you risk sending a message to the faithful that these policies are acceptable or that the Church is indifferent to them. We are deeply concerned about the potential for scandal and confusion among the laity, particularly when clarity and fidelity to Church teachings are desperately needed. The Coalition for Canceled Priests directly opposes your involvement, not out of a spirit of division but out of love for the Church and a desire to uphold the integrity of its teachings. We pray that you will acknowledge the error in your attendance and stand firmly with the teachings of the Catholic Church, providing a clear and unambiguous witness to the Faith. In Christ, Craig Holuj Co-Founder of the Coalition for Canceled Priests
Our Co- founder Craig Holuj at the
Life Site NEws "Rome Life Forum"
Feast of the holy name of Mary
Dear Friends in Christ, Today, we come together to celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a day that holds profound significance in our faith. This feast day not only honors the blessed name of Mary, our spiritual mother, but also calls us to remember a pivotal moment in history—the Battle of Vienna in 1683. In that historic battle, courageous laity and soldiers stood firm in their faith and fought valiantly to defend Christendom against overwhelming odds. Their unwavering devotion and bravery led to a miraculous victory, underscoring the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Their faith and courage are a testament to the strength and importance of the laity in safeguarding our religious heritage. Today, as we face our own battles within society, the role of the laity remains as crucial as ever. The Coalition for Canceled Priests stands as a beacon of hope and support for those who have dedicated their lives to serving God and His Church. Our mission aligns with the legacy of those who defended the faith in Vienna: to protect, support, and uplift those who courageously uphold the teachings of our faith. Just as the laity stepped forward in 1683, we too are called to stand resolute in our faith and support our priests, especially those who face unjust challenges and cancellations. The Coalition for Canceled Priests relies on the strength and dedication of the faithful to continue our vital work. Together, we can defend our faith, support our clergy, and ensure that the teachings of Christ continue to flourish in our communities. As we commemorate this special feast day, let us draw inspiration from the bravery of those who came before us and renew our commitment to our mission. May the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary be a source of strength and guidance for us all. In Christ,